Re-Greening the Deserts

Re-Greening the Deserts

Read more about this story: “The Man Who Stopped the Desert”. For additional information on re-greening the desert, check out these videos of renowned permaculturist Geoff Lawton growing fruits and vegetables in the Middle East.  Greening the Desert with...
Gardening for Coral

Gardening for Coral

This is an example of a coral farming technique using recycled rebar as a scaffold for polyps to attach and grow. Below, Great Barrier Reef coral thriving in its natural state. Photo credits, top: Tom Jowett, Wikimedia Commons; bottom: Toby Hudson, Wikipedia. Did you...
Meet the Author, Sheryl Davis

Meet the Author, Sheryl Davis

I spent most of my childhood climbing trees and building forts in the Piney Woods region of East Texas. A longstanding family interest in biology inspired me to garden, forage, study taxonomy and birds. As a teenager, I became a licensed Ham Radio operator (KE5QFE)....
Nerding out in the “permagarden”

Nerding out in the “permagarden”

Stacking functions in permaculture Daniel McFly often geeks out about permaculture “stacking functions.” Can you figure out how each element of this permaculture garden supports other components? Permaculture can be defined as the science of assembling...
The Permaculture of Perennials

The Permaculture of Perennials

Photo: Asparagus between seasons in Texas. The perennial blessing Perennials become more established over time and build on their growth each year. even though most of our food comes from annuals vegetables, they are often heavy feeders that require the addition of...