I spent most of my childhood climbing trees and building forts in the Piney Woods region of East Texas. A longstanding family interest in biology inspired me to garden, forage, study taxonomy and birds. As a teenager, I became a licensed Ham Radio operator (KE5QFE).
In the spring of 2012, I collaborated with some friends to launch the sustainability festival, “Learning Man,” for members of the Austin community to exchange practical skills. In 2015, I worked with the eco-community Quilombo Paixao to host a successful educational expo called Orenda, and a Permablitz in Cedar Creek, Texas.
After completing my Permaculture Design Certificate in 2014, I worked on eco-farmlets and non-profit organizations around the Central Texas area, including Food is Free, Blue Star Ranch, and Thigh High Gardens. At Austin-based Resolution Gardens and Symbiosis Regenerative Systems, I designed and installed permaculture gardens and landscaping protects.
In 2021, I began a graduate program in sustainability at Stephen F. Austin State University, where I am developing a curriculum that introduces students to Project Drawdown’s “Top 100 Solutions To Climate Change.”
I believe that one of the best ways to promote the environmental health of the planet is to communicate sustainability values and practices to children and young people through books, activities, and projects. I try to do this with my own boys, and I hope my Daniel McFly series inspires you and the children in your lives to help care for our Earth.
We’re so happy that oceanographer and conservation activist Dr. SylviaEarle agreed to endorse and write the introduction to our new book in the series, “Oceans Alive!” $2 from each copy sold via this website is donated to Earle’s Mission Blue organization which champions global “Hope Spots” where species and habitats can return to their normal, healthy state.
Hi! I'm Daniel
I am busy everyday learning about the world around me and how I can protect the environment.
I can’t do this alone. I need you and your friends to help!
The Mystical Magical Abracadabracal Daniel McDougal McDouglas McFly
A great addition to your child’s bookshelf, a classroom and we offer bulk discounts.