The United Nations recognizes June 8th as International World Oceans Day; a day to celebrate the life-giving beauty and complexity of the world’s ocean, and to draw attention to the challenges that threaten this vital ecosystem.
Every Day is World Oceans Day, but especially June 8!
Each year, a new theme is selected for World Oceans Day. This year, the theme is “Awaken New Depths.” You can view the 2024 WOD announcement video here. The 2024 theme focuses on awakening new depths of understanding, compassion, collaboration, and commitment to the health of our ocean. Found nowhere else in the known universe, our watery ocean is the life support system of our planet. Until now, attention toward ocean health has been inadequate, but as the theme suggests, the tides are changing. Now, more than ever before, a global initiative to put the ocean first is in full swing! Scientists, world governments, private companies, indigenous community members, youth activists, celebrities, and other decision makers are coming together to implement a plan to save the seas!
So be a part of this plan and help bring a sea change to the health of our life support system. Join in celebrating World Oceans Day by acknowledging the ocean’s role in planetary health, educating yourself and those around you on how to support ocean health, and work to bring change in how we think about and treat the world’s oceans. For more information on World Oceans Day, visit this UN site.
Mission Blue is an excellent Netflix documentary on Dr. Sylvia Earle’s unique project to create “Hope Spots,” or marine protected areas around the world. And it’s working! Numerous sea birds, whales, fish, and sea mammals are now thriving within these marine protected zones. You can learn more about Mission Blue here.
Ocean activities for kids
Do you already have a copy of Ocean’s Alive!? If so, reading it with the kids or doing an ocean activity found in the activity pages of the book or on our website would be a great addition to your ocean celebration! If you don’t already have a copy, you can order one here.