Daniel’s Activities


Succession Gardening

Succession Gardening

Succession gardening is when you start a new season's crop in between last season's crop without removing it. In this picture, you can see we have planted a tomato (a summer crop) in between the brussels sprouts (a winter crop). Succession gardening is a great way to...

Backyard Sandbox

Backyard Sandbox

Sagan and Solen were surprised when they got home from school and found a brand new sandbox their Papaw and I built for their 6th birthday!  We were able to acquire the cedar lumber from a sawmill in then next town over for only $30. They even precut all the pieces to...

Earth Day Tips

Earth Day Tips

In honor of Earth Day, I think it would be fun to share some Earth friendly tips on how to better take care of our planet. Here you can listen to my interview with Kat Powers on Palestine’s KYYK radio station where we talk sustainability and what each of us can do at...

Upcycled Herb Garden

Upcycled Herb Garden

An old fire pit makes a darling little herb garden.  A few weeks ago I built a new fire pit with some concrete blocks and mortar to replace an old metal pit. I always try to see if an object has functionality and could be repurposed instead of throwing it away. It...

A Fairy Village in Palestine’s Dogwood Trails

A Fairy Village in Palestine’s Dogwood Trails

I have spent the last several weeks building miniatures for the first ever Faerie Garden contest in the crown jewel of Palestine, the Davey Dogwood Park. From mini farmer’s markets to mini sweet shops and houses, almost everything in this scene is organic and...

Kids Spotted Eating Vegetables!

Kids Spotted Eating Vegetables!

We had enough collards for a meal! Turns out Daniel's brother, Solen loves to eat (and harvest) them. We will harvest again in another week or so. Our garden is the gift that keeps on giving. Planting instructions for collards (Zone 8, Southwestern US): Prepare and...

Announcing our expanded second edition!

Announcing our expanded second edition!

This new expanded edition has even more beautifully illustrated activities to engage young readers and families in community networking and Earth friendly activities, a poem by me (the author), and a special message about conservation and sustainability from Director...

Daniel’s role model – Dr. Jane Goodall

Daniel’s role model – Dr. Jane Goodall

by publisher Charlotte Pierce It was such an honor to meet Dr. Jane Goodall with the Bishop Green Bees and Ottoson Middle School Roots & Shoots groups, 10 years ago. Her work was a major inspiration for author Sheryl Davis, in creating the character of Daniel for...

Daniel delights at Barnes & Noble, Tyler TX

Daniel delights at Barnes & Noble, Tyler TX

Daniel brightens up a rainy day Your friendly neighborhood environmental superhero Daniel and his mum Daniela brought the sunshine into the Barnes & Noble store in Tyler, TX on a recent rainy Sunday. Young readers were delighted to learn about reforestation and...

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